Wednesday, September 30, 2009

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Supreme Hardware is doing its part to help fight breast cancer. According to The American Cancer Society and The Susan G. Komen For The Cure, an estimated 192,370 new cases of invasive breast cancer will occur among women in the United States during 2009. And an estimated 40,170 women will die from breast cancer. Also, about 1,910 men will be diagnosed and 440 men will die of breast cancer during 2009 in the United States. In addition to invasive breast cancer, an estimated 62,280 new cases of in situ breast cancer will occur among women in 2009. If it doesn’t affect you personally, chances are it will affect someone you know.

There any many ways that you can help fight breast cancer. One of the ways is to partake in breast cancer events such as races for the cure. You can find event information by going to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure website Here you will find race information by state. Another way you can help is by donations. Every bit helps to find a cure for breast cancer so if you can spare any extra money it is greatly appreciated. There are many ways that you can donate and they can be found at The Susan G. Komen For The Cure website

Supreme Hardware will have the breast cancer awareness theme through October trying to raise awareness of the risk of breast cancer. There are 2 special products that will be sold on Supreme Hardware and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to help find a cure for breast cancer.  Below you will find the products, feel free to click on them to learn more about the product and also to purchase the product if you are interested. Remember, every bit counts so join Supreme Hardware and make a difference.

The limited Edition Pink Snuggie blanket not only keeps you warm but also helps in the fight against breast cancer!
$50,000 from the sales of the Pink Snuggie blanket will be donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
BCRF is dedicated to preventing breast cancer and finding a cure in our lifetime by funding clinical and translational
research worldwide. For more information about BCRF visit

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Understanding & Curing Depression $29.97



At Last! There’s a Comprehensive,  Yet Easy-to-Read Guide That Reveals Everything You Could Ever Want to Know  About Depression, Including:
    • Depression Facts and Fallacies
    • How to Unmask Depression
    • What’s in a Depressed Mind
    • Natural Cures for Depression
    • Breakthroughs in Depression Treatments and Medications
    • And Much, Much More!

 You Can Overcome Negative   Feelings & Regain Your Zest & Zeal for Life!


Women are twice as likely as men to develop depression

  • How to recognize depression in children
  • Medical conditions that promote depression
  • Whether or not your depression can be genetic
  • 10 questions you should always ask your doctor if he or she diagnoses you as depressed
  • For More Information Copy The Link Below To Your Browser

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Male Thrush

    Male thrush is a type of yeast infection which results from the overgrowth of fungus candida albicans in the body. Typically, the fungus occurs naturally on the individual body, but it is at all times keptundermanageable levels by the presenceof particular bacteria. minorchanges can easily and very swiftly disturb this bacteria balance out, making Candida albicans to multiply, resulting in a male thrush.

    Male thrush reveals itself in various spots in the body,placesthat have got optimal environmentfor the fungus to thrive in such as under the nailbeds, in the mouth, on the skinbut mainly in thepelvic regions. This is worsened by the datum that it is easily spread through intercoursal with a female mate affected with thrush.

    As soon as male thrush exhibits itself on the areas surrounding the penis, it can easily be perplexedwith other male infections. But suitable diagnosis is crucial to be able to get the exact male thrush cure. Men Tend to delay in seeking male thrush treatment, perhaps owing to the mortification that emanates along with telling some of the indications that influence the condition.

    You will understamd you have a male thrush once you start having intermittent reddish spots on the dome of the penis, or on its covers. Also when scratchy red patches foundoccurring in the saidpart. Pain while passing urine and during sexual interaction is another clear sign of male thrush. A cottage cheese-like penile dischargebeneath the epithelium and skin eruptions that cannot be described, foundusually on the scrotal sac and beneath the armpits are other male thrush pointers.

    conversely, oral male thrush will reveals itself in the appearance ofextremely viscous, whitish tongue, scratchy wounds and pain while swallowing anything. Male thrush is very irksome and upsetting, and any signs and symptoms of the infection should alarm one to findremedial advice as soon as possible.

    You need more info? Visit this site about wine aerator .

    Friday, September 25, 2009

    Tunnel carpale: bisturi o cure mediche?

    Se il nervo è intrappolato nel tunnel, vale la pena farselo sbrigliare; ma se si preferisce stare alla larga dai chirurghi, la differenza, alla fine, non è poi così rilevante. È salomonico il verdetto dello studio pubblicato oggi su Lancet. Un gruppo di ricercatori dell’Università di Washington a Seattle ha assegnato casualmente all’intervento chirurgico o a un trattamento di altro tipo un centinaio di persone con sindrome del tunnel carpale.

    Si tratta di una condizione frequente, che nelle sue prime fasi si manifesta solo con formicolii e sensazione di gonfiore alle prime tre dita della mano, soprattutto di notte e al mattino, ma che si può evolvere dando un dolore al polso che si irradia a tutto l’avambraccio. Alla fine il nervo intrappolato può cominciare a far fatica a trasmettere i suoi messaggi, e si può osservare una riduzione della forza e della sensibilità. «In questi casi l’intervento diventa di rigore» spiega Jeffrey Jarvik, che ha coordinato il lavoro. «Prima che si arrivi a questo punto, però, si può anche provare a trovare sollievo dai disturbi con fisioterapia e ultrasuoni».

    È quello che hanno provato a verificare gli studiosi statunitensi. «In effetti, dopo tre mesi dall’operazione, si osservava un miglioramento dei sintomi e della funzione della mano che si faceva sentire ancora dopo un anno» racconta l’autore, che aggiunge: «Tuttavia, alcune delle persone operate hanno riferito che il loro problema non si era risolto e oltre il 60 per cento di coloro in cui si sono provati altri metodi di cura non ha avuto bisogno, in un secondo tempo, di ricorrere al chirurgo».

    Se quindi la chirurgia si conferma utile, non lo è tanto da diventare una scelta obbligata. «Oltre a una valutazione dei costi dei due diversi approcci» commenta Christina Gummesson, dell’Università di Lund, in Svezia, «occorre tener conto anche delle preferenze individuali, che di volta in volta possono cambiare sulla base di motivazioni personali molto diverse tra loro».

    Le ragioni che spingono a farsi operare o no sono state indagate in un altro studio effettuato in Corea del Sud su una serie di donne a cui, dopo una diagnosi confermata all’elettromiografia, era stata consigliata una soluzione chirurgica. Il tempo di attesa era di circa un mese e durante questo periodo una trentina di loro ha avuto un ripensamento e si è tirata indietro. «La maggior parte aveva cambiato idea perché nel frattempo i disturbi erano migliorati» dice Moon Sang Chung, chirurgo ortopedico dell’Università di Seul, nella Corea del sud, che ha coordinato il lavoro, «sebbene molte avessero citato anche la paura del dolore, i problemi legati alla temporanea inabilità, i costi dell’operazione».

    Allo stesso modo, quelle che invece erano arrivate fino in sala operatoria lo avevano fatto per il disagio e i limiti provocati dalla malattia, non tanto perché il chirurgo della mano glielo avesse prescritto, gli esiti dell’elettromiografia fossero preoccupanti o temessero danni a lungo termine. In altre parole, non c’entrano tanto i risultati più o meno favorevoli degli esami o la paura che la malattia progredisca.

    Il criterio con cui le donne decidono di farsi operare per una sindrome del tunnel carpale o, viceversa, preferiscono tenersela, è il più banale del mondo: dipende solo da quanto dà fastidio il nervo mediano intrappolato tra ossa e legamenti a livello del polso. «La conclusione della nostra inchiesta non era però così ovvia» precisa Chung. «Ad altri interventi ci si sottopone sulla base di indagini che mostrano anomalie o per evitare che un problema si possa aggravare». In questo caso, invece, si cerca solo sollievo.

    Roberta Villa –

    Jan 22: Pharma-scam

    I have a beef with overpaid people. Like movie stars that earn 20 million per movie. Like pro athletes who have 100 million dollar contracts over 5 years or more, depending on the sport… I just feel like they’re not worth that much – no one is that talented. No one should make the same amount of money in their lifetime as the national debt of a small country. How is that logical? Most of these people never finished school, and all they do is memorize some lines or hit a ball with a bat. It blows my mind.

    And all I keep thinking about is what if all those ridiculous celebrity and athlete salaries went to medecine so they can find a cure for diseases already. Mind you, there’s currently a little known conspiracy going on involving pharmaceutical companies. I watched a medical program about a rare form of cancer that affects children. The medical staff interviewed on the show said they have a cure, but since the amount of children that are afflicted with this form of cancer is so low compared to the actual cost of making the cure, the pharmaceutical companies refuse to make it because it’s not profitable. So instead of making the cure at a loss, they choose to not make it and the children are so few that it’s an acceptable loss. True story. It makes me sick.

    Haven’t you ever wondered why there was so much progress in the field of medicine, exponential growth really for several decades, with vaccines and cures popping up left and right, vaccines for chicken pox, polio, the measles, mumps, hepatitis, yellow fever, you name it. And then it just stopped? Now we have all kinds of forms of cancer, Aids, and other incurable diseases and they “can’t find a cure”. The truth that they’re not telling us is that selling the meds to allow these people to live a few more years (or many years in some cases) is more profitable for the pharmaceutical companies than curing them. It’s all quite sickening.

    Deep thought of the day:
    The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.

    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    AIDS Vaccine

    There are reports that an AIDS vaccine may have been discovered.  If this is so then the prayers of millions have been answered and maybe we will see the day when human, plant and animal, diseases, sicknesses, illnesses and ailments are cured, here and everywhere, now and forever, pleasurably and non-regrettably.

    Reducing the risk of AIDS infection

    31% Reduction of Infection

    Unmasking H1N1

    Sugar in you gas tank

    Attack of the Grey Goo

    Single Payer

    Reform Health Care

    How to Travel Naked

    Taking Crazy Pills

    Microsoft Certification

    How to Lead A Double Life

    How to Plan for College

    How to Plan an Exotic Vacation

    Gay is not the New Black

    Taking Crazy Pills

    How to Plan an Exotic Vacation

    No God But Government

    Black Employment

    Gay is not the New Black

    How to Travel Naked

    Beer Alert

    A Constellation of Idiots

    It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted

    Texas Toast


    • ***************************




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    Runes and Moons


    Angelic Verses


    Rumors of Angels




    Digital Art

    Angel Sightings

    Cyber Rainbows

    Selling Rainbows

    • ************************************************************



    lose 45 lbs in just 30 days easily

    A lady doctor named Dr Suzanne Gudakunst has just release what many are calling the end of the need for potentially harmful weight-loss drugs and designer foods made to help you lose weight.

    Dr Suzanne’s discovery allows anyone regardless of their particular diet to do “just one simple thing” and instantly start shedding anywhere from 15 lbs to as much as 200 lbs of unwanted and dangerous fat!

    Typical results average 45 lbs in just the first 30 days alone for most people just starting out using her new secret.

    The reason this is so is because her secret (aptly titled: “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret”) operates on an entirely different approach in the battle against the ever-increasing “bulge.”

    Dr Suzanne discovered that harmful crusty “plaque” builds up over the years in all of us – and which is the direct result of harmful chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. deliberately placed in perhaps every food on the market (much of which is now suspected as being carefully and intentionally done so that people will continue to get fatter and thus sicker, and in order to make the food & drug companies richer!)

    The result: This harmful plaque is responsible for your weight gain because is BLOCKS your body’s natural ability to absorb proper nutrition – and which causes two (2) chief things to occur:

    >>  Your body starves no matter how much you eat – so by not
    feeling satisfied you continue to stuff your face and get very
    very fat (and eventually at the permanent cost of your

    >>  Your body thinks it’s starving so your ‘hypothalamus’
    adjusts your metabolism to burn food much, much slower in
    an effort to store food – thus making you even more and
    more fatter than even before!

    So it makes sense that if and when you REMOVE this unwanted “garbage” from lacing your ‘insides,’ you will naturally start dissolving the fat and “stored chunks of lard” that disfigure an otherwise more attractive and healthier frame and sexier body.

    As if this ‘plaque’ goop weren’t enough, Dr Suzanne identified multitudes of specific species of “parasites” (i.e., little worm-like “critters” – some which have ‘fangs’ but no eyes) living inside nearly 99.964% of all people’s small and large intestines in the United States alone, and about 92.36% of people on average worldwide.

    These parasites excrete (meaning they take a CRAP inside YOU!) a jelly-like “SLUDGE” they coats your insides and which is very, very harmful and extremely TOXIC!

    Additionally, much like the plaque, they often steal your nutrition which in turn again causes your body to believe it’s starving, and as a defense you continue even more just to get FATTER and FATTER!

    These parasites usually end up dying (but not before laying millions of eggs!) — and once they die they fossilize forming a coral-like barrier preventing your even further from absorbing the correct amounts of proper nutrition.

    When these parasites are FLUSHED from your guts, you end up magically losing tons of fat and extra weight – and even WITHOUT making one slight change to your diet or how much you eat!

    SHOCKINGLY, these same “little critters (as Dr Suzanne calls them) actually release chemical “messengers” that make you crave foods that you are not even supposed to eat at all!

    People who get rid of the parasites, therefore, suddenly find that they no longer even desire the Cheetos, pork rinds, jelly-filled treats, and 10,000’s of other equally deadly so-called “foods.”

    In the past 6 years alone Dr Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery and “TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret” privately with a select group of volunteers, and seen results that fall nothing short of the truly FANTASTIC!

    For instance, a Chicago woman who weighed until recently a whopping 587 lbs and who had even been visited by a living-legendary diet and fitness guru (name withheld by request), but who after much direct assistance from him (the guru) was not able to shed even 1 lb, suddenly dropped 449 lbs from her body weight in under 5 months using Dr Suzanne’s SECRET! — and she didn’t change or reduce one thing she regularly ate in her diet!

    Now the woman weighs just 138 lbs, looks like a completely different woman altogether — and as if that weren’t enough, she became a swimsuit model for a well-known company! (But most importantly, this woman added who knows how many years to her life as a direct result of using Dr Suzanne’s “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!”)

    Another equally tearfully-joyous account was of a woman named Lisa Stephens from Ohio who was told her diabetes could “never” be cured or reversed — and this by countless doctors.

    After shedding over 156 lbs in just 91 days of having used this same amazing revolutionary breakthrough secret discovered by Dr Suzanne, her diabetes is gone completely and she no longer depends on insulin just to be able to survive!

    These kinds of results are flooding Dr Suzanne’s email each and everyday from all over the world (not just from North America — which has by far the fattest population as a group).

    And even though you like me recognize these results as both newsworthy and for the common good of humanity as a whole, there are some who are literally out to get the good lady doctor.

    Recently investigators began carefully keeping an extra protective eye on Dr Suzanne after she received death threats from “individuals” purportedly connected to the vast drug empires and weight-loss food manufacturing companies.

    It would appear on the face of it that Dr Suzanne’s “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” must really work, because if it didn’t no one would care to bring her harm.

    This would be akin to an inventor discovering how to make a car that runs on water instead of gas assassinated by the major auto manufacturers!

    Investigators insist that the reason she received threats is largely because what she is doing may actually make people healthier, leaner, sexier and trimmer, as well as make them live longer fuller lives — and as a result they stand to lose lots of money (possibly BILLIONS of dollars!!)

    The BEST part of her secret is that it’s nothing difficult to do, and it doesn’t require a major change in either your lifestyle or diet.

    In fact, “Nature’s actually on our side” according to Dr Suzanne, as her solution to the arduous ills of fat and obesity is simply the ingestion of Nature’s own ‘protections’ against both the harmful death-causing/obesity-causing plaque as well as the nasty little critters living in your bowels!

    Anyone with anywhere from just a few extra pounds to those 100 lbs or more overweight must as a rule now secure for themselves Dr Suzanne’s “TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret” (and before someone tries to lobby against you ever discovering what’s truly in it!)

    I recognize a great thing when I see one — and THIS SECRET is definitely the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

    We all know that people are just getting fatter and fatter, and more and more UNHEALTHY – so this is a secret whose time is long overdue.

    While many people may tell you to just stick to your diet, exercise to the point of exhaustion, etc, the naysayers will definitely be disappointed when they find out that Dr Suzanne’s cure to obesity is completely NATURAL!

    If you want the good doctor’s secret for yourself and so that no one can ever take it away from you or steal out of your hands, then all you need to do is grab your own PDF copy here:


    But I have to warn you of two (2) things:

    1. Pay processors are already struggling to keep up with orders as this SECRET is now one of the most sought after things anywhere online! (So if you put off, don’t be surprised to find you can’t even place your order, and may not receive notice as to when order-taking may resume.)

    2. Dr Suzanne in an effort to get people to get off their butts and to take action for their own good, is making it available at nearly HALF OFF just for people getting over there TODAY through the next 48 hours only — after that, the low price now nearly DOUBLES! (So you’d best beat the crowds over there NOW!)

    So if you’re wise, and want to grab her secret before something unforeseen forever prevents you from doing so, then you’d best do what I did and go secure it now at:


    How many times have you seen sudden “breakthroughs” of such great controversy potentially come along and cause a woman doctor to actually get death threats for her secret ‘know-how?’ — You’re right … very, very few.

    So don’t overlook this email as it may very well prove to be one of the most influential and important ones you’ve ever received…

    Copy the link below and paste to your browser..


    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    A cure for fevers?

    A cure for fevers? Absurd! Well, maybe not. I had a fever (and various other symptoms) today. I drank like 3 glasses of sweet tea (with some artificial sweeter. They never put enough sugar in that bottled stuff!) to perk me up a bit; I didn’t want to fall asleep on the couch. Anyway, my mom took my temp. a few minutes before I drank the tea, and a few minutes after I drank it (purely coincidental) and it went from 101.5 to exactly 98.6! I only did it that one time so it could be just me. To make it more accrate, next time you have a fever, take your temperature, drink a few glasses of tea, and take your temp. again. Then post your results here in a comment and I’ll post the results! Yay science!

    Intensità di cure

    Sovigliana di Vinci.24 settembre 2009, dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 13.30, nell’aula magna dell’Agenzia per la formazione dell’Asl 11, in via Oberdan n. 13/19  dopo l’introduzione ai lavori a cura del direttore generale dell’Asl 11 Eugenio Porfido, seguirà l’intervento di Federico Lega dell’università “Bocconi” di Milano centrato su “L’ospedale del futuro, il futuro dell’ospedale”. Alle ore 10 Gian Franco Gensini, preside della facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’università di Firenze parlerà de “L’intensità di cure: vincolo od opportunità?”. Seguiranno gli interventi di Antonio Panti, presidente dell’ordine dei medici di Firenze, e di Annalisa Silvestro, presidente della federazione nazionale IPAVSI, su “Le professioni davanti a nuove esigenze di cura”. Alle ore 11 Renato Colombai, direttore della rete ospedaliera dell’Asl 11, illustrerà la situazione territoriale “Dal paradigma ai modelli: le scelte organizzative” e, dopo la pausa, prenderanno la parola Chiara Gherardeschi, direttore sanitario dell’Asl 3 di Pistoia, che affronterà il tema del “Primary Care come modello di risposta alla complessità assistenziale: Ausl 3 Pistoia” e Roberto Tramalloni, direttore sanitario ospedali Galliera di Genova che parlerà dell’”Ospedale lean per intensità di cure: l’esperienza dell’ospedale Galliera di Genova”. Alle ore 12 l’intensità di cure sarà vista dalla parte del cittadino grazie all’intervento di Elisabetta Confaloni del Comitato Etico Locale di Empoli, cui seguirà “Un network regionale per l’intensità di cure” di Mario Cecchi, responsabile dell’Osservatorio permanente dell’ospedale per intensità di cure della Regione Toscana. Al termine del dibattito le conclusioni saranno affidate a Valtere Giovannini, responsabile dell’Area di coordinamento sanità della Regione Toscana.

    Sunday, September 20, 2009

    Instinct Based Medicine - How To Survive Your Illness….and Your Doctor $29.95




    Learn why our negative emotions such as worry, doubt, fear, hopelessness, helplessness and lack of self-esteem; in addition to conditions of forced compromise and denial; can lead to cancer and other health breakdowns such as asthma, rheumatism, migraines, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Regain the power and control over your health as you learn how to manage and eliminate pain and suffering in the most effective way.

    For More Information Copy The Link Below To Your Browser

    Prevention & Battling Diabetes Health-Diabetes

    My (Sal) reason for creating this website is because I’ve been “directly” affected by this health issue. Diabetes has been a health issue in my family for generations, which I personally need to take some precautions to fight this health battle in my genes-of course, with the help of my Lord-Amen?

    I love sugar since day 1. I love sweets, which I would seek and find around the kitchen back at home. Since I’ve come to a personal relationship with Christ, I’ve been educated from the Word to keep my “…body as a living sacrifice to God, holly and pleasing to Him!” (Romans 12:1).

    It’s not easy to stay from sweets and not get tempted as your body physically urges it! However, I’ve learned that fasting and staying in the Word; focussing on Jesus, all things are possible!

    You must take charge! (Wednesday, September 3rd of 2008)

    About 4 years ago I had a routine check-up from my doctor. He then came out to warn me that I have a chance of getting diabetes as I’m close to “border-line” diabetic unless I change my eating habits. It freaked me out when I heard it as I’ve had some knowledge of past family history. I decided to research and find what causes diabetes? I found out my diet of eating too much rice, pop years ago (quit drinking too much of it years ago), etc.. was the “culprit”! I started cutting down or even stop eating white rice (brown rice instead; In fact, wheat-bread, noodles, etc.. is a lot better than “white”). A year later, my doctor told me I was “no-longer” close to borderline diabetic! Halleluah! Yes, we can ask others for prayer and God for healing, but we need to also ask God for “wisdom” and “knowledge” on what we can “individually” do about our health circumstances or situations!

    How My Aunt’s Death Can Help You “Cure” Type 2 Diabetes I

    “Not only is type 2 diabetes completely preventable, but it is virtually curable for anyone who is willing to put in the hard time and work and recovering their insulin and leptin sensitivity. “

    What steps/tips have you made preventing, managing, curing, etc.. diabetes?


    Friday, September 18, 2009

    Tre feste (e un calendario) per i 10 anni dell'Associazione Tumori Toscana.

    foto "Regina Schrecker & Alessandro Benvenuti per A.T.T." by Gianni Ugolini (dalla pagina di A.T.T. su facebook)

    L’Associazione Tumori Toscana compie 10 anni e per l’occasione pubblica un calendario 24 mesi (da Novembre 2009 a Ottobre 2011) intitolato “INSIEME nelle scelte più difficili” che sarà in vendita a 12€ e i cui proventi serviranno per sostenere le Cure Domiciliari Oncologiche (C.D.O.) che  sono fornite gratuitamente, tutti i giorni dell’anno e 24 ore su 24 , ai malati di tumore della Toscana.

    L’Associazione Tumori Toscana è composta da 9 medici, 3 psicologi, 6 infermieri professionali, 6 operatori socio sanitari ed un fisiatra. A questi si aggiungono i 10 collaboratori dedicati alla gestione dei prelievi ematici e presidi sanitari, alla raccolta fondi, alla gestione delle segreterie, all’amministrazione, alle relazioni con enti ed istituzioni. In questi 10 anni sono state curate a domicilio 5.000 persone con una media di 300 pazienti assistiti ogni giorno e una spesa totale di oltre 5.000.000 di Euro.

    Il calendario ospita personaggi famosi che si spendono attivamente per la solidarietà, ritratti insieme “a due a due”, tra cui: Cesare Prandelli, Irene Grandi, Piero Pelù, Margherita Hack, Santo Versace, Ferruccio Ferragamo, Cesare Bocci, Petra Magoni, Ferruccio Spinetti, Sergio Staino, Ginevra di Marco, Daniela Morozzi, Stefano Cocco Cantini, Cristina De Pin, Giancarlo Antognoni, Barbara Enrichi, Erriquez Greppi, Marcelo Segundo, Anna Meacci, Fabio Canino, Katia Beni, Alessandro Benvenuti, Simone Pianigiani, Regina Schrecker, Saturnino, Micol Barsanti, Maria Cassi, Carla Braccialini, Fabio Picchi, Brunetto Salvini, Graziano Staino, Gianni De Magistris, Monica Scattini, Alessandro Haber, Marco Masini, Sebastian Frey, Paolo Hendel, Angela Finocchiaro, Andrea Agresti, Andrea Muzzi, Aceto, Lorenzo Martinicca Boison, Rosita Celentano, Soldano d’Asburgo Lorena, Ermanno Scervino, Jury Chechi, la Fata Milano 25, Shaun Stonerook.

    Domani 19 Settembre 2009 si terranno tre feste in altrettante Piazze toscane dove saranno allestiti dei gazebo nei quali i volontari festeggeranno i 10 anni dell’Associazione brindando con il pubblico e dove alcuni fra i personaggi ritratti nel calendario autograferanno le copie vendute. Appuntamento a:

    • Firenze -  Piazza della Repubblica
    • Prato - Piazza Duomo dalle 10 alle 12,30 e dalle 15,30 alle 18,00
    • Siena – retro della Chiesa Madonna delle Nevi dalle 16,00 alle 19,00

    Maggiori informazioni sul sito dell’Associazione Tumori Toscana o ai seguenti numeri di telefono: 055 2466666 – 0574 570835 – 0577 289223

    Thursday, September 17, 2009

    Cure palliative, sì unanime alla legge

    Le cure palliative escono dall’ombra e diventano diritto di tutti i cittadini, dal Pie­monte alla Sicilia. Dovranno es­sere assicurate in ogni Regione, con criteri uniformi, sostenute da un finanziamento proprio. In tutto 150 milioni presi in par­te dal Fondo sanitario naziona­le (100), il resto dall’ultimo de­creto anti crisi. Semplificate in modo permanente le procedu­re per i farmaci antidolorifici. L’introduzione del ricettario or­dinario, il passaggio di alcuni derivati della cannabis (e alcu­ni oppiacei) per uso terapeuti­co dalla tabella A alla B e l’esclu­sione automatica dall’elenco de­gli stupefacenti erano previsti da un decreto a scadenza annua­le del viceministro al Welfare, Ferruccio Fazio. Nasce una rete di hospice e centri ospedalieri.

    Sono alcuni dei passaggi sa­lienti della legge di iniziativa parlamentare approvata ieri dal­la Camera (ora tocca al Senato). Tempi record, due sole sedute, unanimità. Non era mai succes­so che maggioranza e opposi­zione fossero in perfetto accor­do. Per Livia Turco, ex ministro della salute, Pd, è una soddisfa­zione, anche personale: «La leg­ge ha rischiato di andare avanti senza un euro. Noi abbiamo in­gaggiato un ostruzionismo pe­sante e i soldi sono stati trovati. Ora è una cosa seria, che aiuta i malati in modo concreto. Bella prova di dialogo».

    Secondo Fa­zio «viene colmato un grosso vuoto». Per Dorina Bianchi, Pd «è la prova che si può avviare una discussione costruttiva». Un augurio per il prossimo lavo­ro, molto più difficile sul piano politico. Il testo sul testamento biologico, all’esame della com­missione affari sociali della Ca­mera. L’armonia appare un mi­raggio specialmente alla luce l’ultimo richiamo di Gianfran­co Fini sull’«obbligo delle istitu­zioni di essere laiche» e la repli­ca gelida del Pdl: «Non accettia­mo lezioni».

    Il testo da discutere non è an­cora stato presentato dal relato­re Nino Di Virgilio (Pdl) e non è scontato che si tratti di quello passato in Senato, scritto da Raffaele Calabrò. Eugenia Roc­cella, sottosegretario al Welfare individua gli unici spazi di ma­novra: «Correzioni? Sempre nel­l’ambito della posizione del go­verno. Se come da noi proposto la legge fosse allargata non solo agli stati vegetativi ma anche ai pazienti con perdita di coscien­za duratura, si potrebbe accetta­re la sospensione di idratazione e alimentazione artificiale quan­do assumono il carattere di ac­canimento terapeutico».

    Queste due modifiche erano in due emendamenti presentati al Senato rispettivamente da maggioranza e opposizione, en­trambi bocciati. Resta in piedi la prospettiva delineata dal mi­nistro Maurizio Sacconi. Estra­polare dalla legge Calabrò la parte che ricalca sostanzialmen­te il disegno di legge cosiddetto salva-Eluana varato all’unani­mità dal Consiglio dei ministri per evitare che le venissero so­spese le cure così come era sta­to deciso dai giudici. «Il Parla­mento è sovrano di valutare questa opportunità se i tempi della discussione delle norme del fine vita si allungassero», di­ce il ministro.

    Margherita De Bac – Fonte:

    Wednesday, September 16, 2009

    Comparing Malaria Solutions

    “Damn, I can’t believe I got malaria again!”

    That’s what I was thinking last week when I recognized the symptoms: fatigue, nausea, headache, pain at the base of the spine and lower back. I flashed back to 1991 when I first got the disease in the Congo and spent 2 weeks on my back with IV needles in my arm to force fluids into my body. “I’m so thirsty I could die.”  Literally.

    Apparently the high-voltage mosquito-blasting tennis racket I’ve been using didn’t manage to zap all the little bastards! So wondering what 2 decades of drug research has yielded I asked my UNPeacekeeper friends in Liberiawhatthe standard expat cure is these days. The answer was a loud and resounding “Artemisinin!” Apparently this centuries-old Chinese herbal medicine has been keeping SouthEast Asians alive for many years but was relatively unknown in the west until recently. Or perhaps we can’t believe in anything that doesn’t come from Big Pharma?

    I picked up a 3-day dose for $12 from the local pharmacy, immediately popped 2 of the 12 pills, and went to bed wondering if I could sleep with this horribly throbbing headache and seemingly compressed spine. 8 hours later I woke up feeling completely normal, rested, and ready to fight my way into a Monrovian taxi! I can’t tell you how different this experience was from the one in Congo in 1991. My first thought was how Big Pharma is missing a real opportunity here, but my friend Talli educated me how the Gates Foundation, UC Berkeley, and Big Pharma have a project underway to create a synthetic version of the drug for pennies per dose. Malaria is the #1 killer in the world, far surpassing HIV-Aids, with 500 million infections annually annually.

    I can tell you that Artemisinin works better than both Fansidar and Electric Liberian Tennis Rackets!

    Read more about the Artemisinin Project here

    Jummah Khutba: Read Kuran

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Friday, May 16, 2008 (Jumad Awal 10, 1429)

    Sheykh Abdul Kerim Efendi is saying that those who read the book of Allah continuously, who keep their 5 daily prayers and who share from the favors that have been given to them with others, they should expect and wait for good results. For safety and for inner peace, read more Quran (murids should be reading 1 juz of Quran every day or reciting Ikhlas 100 times); keep your wird, and read hadith (Sheykh Efendi recommends reading 3 hadith a day and applying it to your life). Don’t speak so much of what you think you know.

    Download (13:02 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    Herbs and Foods May Lead to Complications

    Many people have the mistaken notion that, being natural, all herbs and foods are safe. This is not so. Very often, herbs and foods may interact with medications you normally take that result in serious side reactions. It is always a good practice to tell your doctor or health practitioners what you are taking so that they can advise you of possible complications, if there is any. You should also keep an eye for unusual symptoms. Very often, this may foretell the symptoms of a drug interaction.

    Experts suggest that natural does not mean it is completely safe. Everything you put in your mouth has the potential to interact with something else. The medication that is taken by mouth travels through the digestive system in much the same way as food and herbs taken orally do. So, when a drug is mixed with food or another herb, each can alter the way the body metabolizes the other. Some drugs interfere with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Similarly, some herbs and foods can lessen or increase the impact of a drug.

    Alcohol is a drug that interacts with almost every medication, especially antidepressants and other drugs that affect the brain and nervous system.

    Some dietary components increase the risk of side effects. Theophylline, a medication administered to treat asthma, contains xanthines, which are also found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and other sources of caffeine. Consuming large amounts of these substances while taking theophylline increases the risk of drug toxicity.

    Certain vitamins and minerals impact on medications too. Large amounts of broccoli, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables high in vitamin K, which promotes the formation of blood clots, can counteract the effects of heparin, warfarin, and other drugs given to prevent clotting.

    Dietary fiber also affects drug absorption. Pectin and other soluble fibers slow down the absorption of acetaminophen, a popular painkiller. Bran and other insoluble fibers have a similar effect on digoxin, a major heart medication.

    As more and more people discover new herbs, there is more and more potential for the abuse of these herbs and the patients may end up in serious problems.

    I was attending an herb meeting a few weeks ago and a person came to the speaker and told her that she had very good luck with St. John’s Wort to control her depression. St. John’s Wort has been shown to have great potential to control minor depression. The National Institutes of Health is conducting a clinical study to determine the effect of St. John’s Wort scientifically. This person, however, continued saying that she is now trying St. John’s Wort for her OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Now, this is getting into unproven uncharted territory. If you are taking prescription medication for this disorder, you can get into trouble due to drug interaction. As shown under the discussion on St. John’s Wort, the herb can be quite dangerous, as it acts similar to MAO inhibitors. They have severe side reactions, and if not careful, can even lead to death.

    High-risk patients, such as the elderly, patients taking three or more medications for chronic conditions, patients suffering from diabetes, hypertension, depression, high cholesterol or congestive heart failure, should be especially on the lookout for such side reactions.

    The following are the examples of known interaction between popular herbs, foods, and prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

    Hawthorn, touted as effective in reducing angina attacks by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, should never be taken with Lanoxin (digoxin), the medication prescribed for most for heart ailments. The mix can lower your heart rate too much, causing blood to pool, bringing on possible heart failure.

    Ginseng, according to research, can increase blood pressure, making it dangerous for those trying to keep their blood pressure under control. Ginseng, garlic or supplements containing ginger, when taken with the blood-thinning drug, Coumadin, can cause bleeding episodes. Coumadin is a very powerful drug that leaves little room for error, and patients taking it should never take any medication or otherwise before consulting a qualified health professional. In rare cases, ginseng may overstimulate resulting in insomnia. Consuming caffeine with ginseng increases the risk of overstimulation and gastrointestinal upset. Long tern use of ginseng may cause menstrual abnormalities and breast tenderness in some women. Ginseng is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

    Garlic capsules combined with diabetes medication can cause a dangerous decrease in blood sugars. Some people who are sensitive to garlic may experience heartburn and flatulence. Garlic has anti-clotting properties. You should check with your doctor if you are taking anticoagulant drugs.

    Goldenseal is used for coughs, stomach upsets, menstrual problems and even arthritis. However, the plant’s active ingredient will raise blood pressure, complicating treatment for those taking antihypertensive medications, especially beta-blockers. For patients taking medication to control diabetes or kidney disease, this herb can cause dangerous electrolyte imbalance. High amount of consumption can lead to gastrointestinal distress and possible nervous system effects. Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

    Feverfew, believed to be the natural remedy for migraine headaches, should never be taken with Imitrex or other migraine medications. It can result in the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure to rise dangerous levels.

    Guarana, an alternative remedy being used as a stimulant and diet aid, contains 3 percent to 5 percent more caffeine than a cup of coffee. So, if you are taking any medication that advises you against taking any drink with caffeine, you should avoid taking this stimulant. It may cause insomnia, trembling, anxiety, palpitations, urinary frequency, and hyperactivity. Avoid during pregnancy and lactation period. Long term use of Guarana may lead to decreased fertility, cardiovascular disease, and several forms of cancer.

    Kava, a herb that has antianxiety, pain relieving, muscle relaxing and anticonvulsant effects, should not be taken together with substances that also act on the central nervous system, such as alcohol, barbiturates, anti depressants, and antipsychotic drugs.

    St. John’s Wort is a popular herb used for the treatment of mild depression.

    The active ingredient of St. John’s Wort is hypericin. Hypericin is believed to exert a similar influence on the brain as the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors such as the one in major antidepressants. Mixing MAO inhibitors with foods high in tyramine, an amino acid, produces one of the most dramatic and dangerous food-drug interactions. Symptoms, which can occur within minutes of ingesting such foods while taking an MAO inhibitor, include rapid rise in blood pressure, a severe headache, and perhaps collapse and even death. Foods high in tyramine include aged cheese, chicken liver, Chianti (and certain other red wines), yeast extracts, bologna (and other processed meats), dried or pickled fish, legumes, soy sauce, ale, and beer.

    Some patients report that Saint Johns Wort caused excessive stimulation and sometimes dizziness, agitation and confusion when taken with other antidepressants or over-the-counter medications like Maximum Strength Dexatrim and Acutrim. It also caused their blood pressure to shoot up.

    White Willow, an herb traditionally used for fever, headache, pain, and rheumatic complaints may lead to gastrointestinal irritation, if used for a long time. It exhibits similar reactions as aspirin (aspirin is derived from white willow). Long term use may lead to stomach ulcers.

    Drug Interaction and Food

    Drug interaction risk isn’t limited to herbal supplements. Certain foods can interact with medications.

    People taking digoxin should avoid Black licorice (which contains the ingredient glycyrhizin). Together, they can produce irregular heart rhythms and cardiac arrest; licorice and diuretics will produce dangerously low potassium levels, putting a patient at risk for numbing weakness, muscle pain and even paralysis. Licorice can also interact with blood pressure medication or any calcium channel blockers.

    Aged cheese (brie, parmesan, cheddar and Roquefort), fava beans, sauerkraut, Italian green beans, some beers, red wine, pepperoni and overly ripe avocados should be avoided by people taking MAO antidepressants. The interaction can cause a potentially fatal rise in blood pressure.

    And because Saint Johns Wort contains the same properties as these MAO antidepressants, it stands to reason that people ingesting the herb should avoid these same foods.

    Grapefruit juice interacts with calcium channel blockers (including Calan, Procardia, Nifedipine, and Verapamil), cholesterol control medications, some psychiatric medications, estrogen, oral contraceptives and many allergy medications (Seldane, Hismanal). The juice modifies the body’s way of metabolizing the medication, affecting the liver’s ability to work the drug through a person’s system. More Information.

    Orange juice shouldn’t be consumed with antacids containing aluminum. ‘The juice increases the absorption of the aluminum. Orange Juice and milk should be avoided when taking antibiotics. The juice’s acidity decreases the effectiveness of antibiotics, as does milk.

    Milk also doesn’t mix with laxatives containing bisacodyl (Correctol and Dulcolax). You might find the laxative works a little “too well” in the morning.

    Large amounts of oatmeal and other high-fiber cereals should not be eaten when taking digoxin. The fiber can interfere with the absorption of the drug, making the act of swallowing the pill a waste of time.

    However, don’t stop eating your cereal right away, because that could cause digoxin levels in your system to soar to toxic levels. A professional should make the dietary changes after carefully examining the digoxin levels.

    Leafy green vegetables, high in vitamin K, should not be taken in great quantities while taking Coumadin. These vegetables could totally negate the affects of the drug and cause blood clotting.

    Caffeinated beverages and asthma drugs taken together can cause excessive excitability. Those taking Tagament (Simetidine), quinolone antibiotics (Cipro, Penetrex, Noroxin) and even oral contraceptives should be aware these drugs may cause their cup of coffee to give them more of a Java jolt than they expected.

    Grilled meat can lead to problems for those on asthma medications containing theophyllines. The chemical compounds formed when meat is grilled somehow prevent this type of medication from working effectively, increasing the possibility of an unmanageable asthma attack.

    Regularly consuming a diet high in fat while taking anti-inflammatory and arthritis medications can cause kidney damage and can leave the patient feeling, drowsy and sedated.

    Alcoholic beverages tend to increase the depressive effects of medications such as benzodiazepines, antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, muscle relaxants, narcotics, or any drug with sedative actions.

    It’s a good idea to not consume any alcoholic beverages, or at least scale way back, when taking prescription medications. Antioxidant and beta-carotene intensify alcohol’s effect on the liver.

    Other commonly used over-the-counter medications can cause interaction problems also.

    Aspirin can modify the effectiveness of arthritis medications, strong prescription steroids and diuretics. Combining aspirin with diabetic medications can drop blood sugars to dangerous levels. Aspirin can also cause toxicity when taken with glaucoma and anticonvulsant (anti-seizure) drugs and cause bleeding episodes when combined with a blood thinner, like Coumadin.

    Acetaminophen can also cause interaction complications when overused. Heavy drinkers who take acetaminophen for hangover relief risk liver damage. Taking high doses of acetaminophen with Coumadin can cause bleeding episodes.

    Antacids taken with antibiotics, heart and blood pressure or thyroid medications can decrease drug absorption by up to 90 percent.

    Over-the-counter antihistamines – sold under the names Actifed, Theraflu, Dimetapp, Benadryl and Comtrex should be avoided if you are taking antianxiety or antidepressant medications.

    Oral contraceptives are less effective when taken with barbiturates, antibiotics, anti-fungal or tuberculosis drugs.

    Turnips contain two goitrogenic substances, progoitrin and gluconasturtin, which can interfere with the thyroid gland’s ability to make its hormones. Although moderate consumption of goitrogens is not a hazard for healthy people, they can promote development of a goiter (an enlarged thyroid) in persons with thyroid disease.

    Tomato contains small quantities of a toxic substance known as solanine that may trigger headaches in susceptible people. They are also a relatively common cause of allergies. An unidentified substance in tomatoes and tomato-based products can cause acid reflux, leading to indigestion and heartburn. Individuals who often have digestive upsets should try eliminating tomatoes for 2 to 3 weeks to see if there is any improvement.

    Strawberries, Raspberries, Spinach, and Rhubarb: These contain oxalic acid, which can aggravate kidney and bladder stones in susceptible people, and reduce body’s ability to absorb iron and calcium.

    Raspberries contain a natural salicylate that can cause an allergic reaction in aspirin sensitive people.

    The seeds from fruits such as Apple, apricot, and Quinces contain amygdalin, a compound that turns into Hydrogen Cyanide in the stomach. Eating large amount of seeds can result in cyanide poisoning.

    Potatoes: Avoid potatoes with a green tint to the skin, and remove any sprouts; they will taste bitter and may contain solanine, a toxic substance that can cause diarrhea, cramps, and fatigue.

    Plums, Peaches, Apricots, and Cherries: These fruits may produce allergic reaction in individuals with confirmed allergies to apricots, almonds, peaches, and cherries. People who are allergic to aspirin may also encounter problems after they have eaten plums or peaches as they contain salicylates. The pits of plums, peaches and apricots contain a compound called amygdalin. When consumed in large amounts, amygdalin breaks down into hydrogen cyanide, a poison.

    Horseradish: Very high doses of horseradish can cause vomiting or excessive sweating. Avoid if you have hypothyroidism.

    Turmeric: Should be avoided by persons with symptoms from gallstones.


    In his poem, “The mystries of Selflessness”, iqbal says that one night he saw Hazrat Abu Bakr in a dream. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq was the most generous of mankind. He was the first to believe in Islam. He shared the cave with the Holy Prophet peace be upon him when they escaped from Mecca, and was referred to in the Holy Quran as “the second of the two”. In the battle of Badr, he stood guard over the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. When he died he had the honour of being buried by the  side of the tomb of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.

    Seeing the great patriarch, Iqbal said, ” Respected Sir you set new standards of love, you established the fabric of our Commonwealth on a firm basis; please prescribe some remedy for the woes that plauge us”.

    Thereupon Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq said:

    “Get guidance from ‘Surah Ikhlas’ in the Holy Quran. The remedy for all your maladies lies in holding fast to the doctrine of the Unity of God. God wanted all the Muslims to be one ‘Millat’(community), but you have created divisions amongst youselves, and labelled yourselves as Afghans, Iranians, Turks and so on. By such divisons you have undermined your own strength. You are like the fruit that has fallen unripe from the tree. The remedy of your woes is that you should discard these divisons. The Muslims should be integrated into one community, and should thus be a manifestation of the Unity of God. It is no use paying lip service to the doctrine of the Unity of  God, when you do not observe it in spirit and resist divisive tendencies. Faith is purposeless without action, and that faith is a dead creed which is not put into practice.”

    The message highlighted in this story is the message of Tauhid— Oneness, One God, One Prophet, One Holy Quran, and One Muslim Community. Under the impact of nationalism, the Muslims have come to group thenselves as Afghans, Iranians and Turks. This is repugnant to Islam. Islam demands of us that all the Muslims throughout the world should regard themselves as one Community regardless of considerations of countries or colours.

    Source: Stories and Biographies From Iqbal By Prof. Masud-Ul-Hasan

    Monday, September 14, 2009

    Detixifying program before start of university school year

    Hello there, reader! As you probably figured out already from the About page, my name is Mich, and I’m 21 years old. I’m just an ordinary person, with hope that some day I will be a writer. Of course I know this isn’t an easy path but I will keep trying.

    But for now, I’m going to write for fun and try to improve my skills as much as I can in as many subjects as I can. I’ll start with the beginning, and try to get my body in a more healthy state.

    I have always been a little to relaxed about the well-being of my own body, and I want that to change. Time is passing by and it can’t be reversed for anyone or anything. So I want to feel better every day.

    I’m starting with a kind of detoxifying cure. But mainly I am just going to change some things in my diet. And here are the things that with a little effort, can make me feel a lot better:

    • I always keep a bottle of 2 liters of fresh water with lemon juice in it, and I try to drink it all in one day.
    • I thought of replacing the water  with herbal tea, each day another flavor, so I won’t get sick so soon of them.
    • I try to eat in the morning a little, and reduce the quantity of coffee I usually drink. I’m still in a holiday from the university so I can afford less coffee.
    • The food I eat is with less fats. If I’m in the mood for meat, I eat chicken or fish. And I also eat lots of cheese. Maybe I should take some vitamins with all this but I can’t afford them…I’m just a poor college student after all.
    • I’m also trying to take my meals at a regular time, in anticipation of the school schedule so I won’t be all messed up when it starts.

    This little changes should make me feel better and healthier than before. I started all this because I always felt heavy and restless. I have a very bad habit of eating when I’m nervous or sad, or when watching movies & anime or reading manga, so to keep that from happening, I am now writing everything down before I eat.  And when night comes, if I eat too much, when I want to eat again, and I open the notebook, it makes me remember that I have eaten enough for he day, and stops me from going into the kitchen again just because of boredom.

    I also started to make some physical exercises but since I stayed so long without doing any sports, I am now rusty and it’s hard to all of a sudden do pretty intense exercises. So every morning I do just how much I can do, without forcing my body after strict numbers. If i can do just 3 or 4 instead of 10, I do them. It’s still better than nothing, and I don’t get bored with them. Sometimes I wish I had an Elliptical but like I already said, I’m too poor to even dream of having one.

    The first exercise I do is:

    The Hundred — Lie on your back with your knees above your chest and extend your arms at your sides. Now lift your chin and chest slightly, so you’re up on your shoulder blades and raise your legs upward. Lift your arms 6 inches and quickly pump them up and down five times while exhaling . Now inhale, pumping your arms five times. Repeat 10 times to make 100 pumps.

    Then I rest for a while, relaxing my muscles.

    After that comes a series of  very interesting exercises which I found surfing the net. Of course I can’t do them all, they are intense and even if they look relatively easy, I first need to get slimmer and more resistant to effort. But I do as many as I can and every day, not only once a week as it says in the video. I will do them only once a week when I will be able to do them all correctly.

    I still have around three weeks before school starts so I’m going to keep following this set of rules and see how much of a difference it can make. I started only yesterday but even thought I’m experiencing muscle soreness at the moment, I already did my morning exercises and only had a light meal in the morning with a cup of coffee with milk. Tell me what you think of this program, I’ll keep you posted on the results and if I’m feeling any changes.

    Saturday, September 12, 2009

    Male Yeast Infection Treatment

    A typical male yeast infection have to be straight forwardly treated and swiftly eradicated bythe majority of the medications existing. Within no time, the much terrible and aggravatingsoreness and itchinessshould vanish. Apoint to always think of is that for these cures to function efficiently, and be able to get free of your yeast infection forever, it is at all times sensible to buttress themedications with a good, well balanced food free of yeast and sugar. Goodsalubrious behavior have to be embraced as well.

    Recurrent showering, use of hygienic undergarments,predominantly throughout summer time when the heat is greatly will go along way to reinforce the consequence of these medications. Majority of the males when infected with yeast infection are challenged with a jock itch. This can be delimited by use of antifungal lotions, readily obtainable as OTCs and need no professional treatment. Ointments such as clotrimazole, butoconazole, miconazole and terconazole areidentified to effectively tackle the jock itch and other common yeast infection symptoms.

    Nystatin and oral cures such as lamisil and fluconazole are only administered when the male yeast infection endures to unbearable stages and fight the above-mentionbed antifungal medications. If the males agonize urinary yeast infections, it may intend togo through a process that will remove and/or change the tube. Bladder irrigations are other methods of treating male infections. This uses custommedication such as intravenous or oral fluconazole or amphotericin B.

    Any of these medicationsshouldcure a male yeast infection but incase the patient has a weak resistant system, or an underlying illness, yeast infection is bound to recur hence further, powerfultreatments should be practiced through the advice of a specialized doctor. By and large|In general, an successful male yeast infection treatment is one that will dispose of all likely toxins in the body, and combat the overgrowth and advancement of yeast.

    Visit this site for more info about technology news .


    Panic Attacks are scary. Do you suffer from them?

      Panic Attacks can be very scary.  Especially the first one.  After your first panic attack it is always in the back of your mind that you may have another one.  This can then bring on  an attack for no reason.  This is no way live life.   Believe me I know, I have suffered from many panic attacks.  You never know when you are going to suffer an attack and this makes it worse.   The feeling is of helplessness and can stop you from living life the way you should.  The attacks can stop you from doing the things you love because you are afraid of having a panic attack.  I am so glad that I don’t have to live like this any more as I can now enjoy life to the full without being scared.   If you are not sure whether you have panic attacks then you need to find out what the symptoms are so that you can control them or stop them completely.
    • Are you suddenly hit by a great fear  that you are going to die and find it hard to breath? 
    • Do you feel like you are going to pass out? 

    If you said yes then you may be having a panic attack. 

    Panic attacks are not life threatening, but they are scary.   If there is no medical reason for the feelings you are having then the likely hood is that you are having a panic attack. 

    Panic attacks can hit when you least expect it and thinking about maybe having an attack can bring one on.  

    How do you stop this from happening?   There are ways you just need to know how.  Click Here!  

        Hot sweats.  Heart Palpitations.  Finding it hard to breath.  The more you think about it, the worse it gets…Chances are you are having a panic attack.  Once you have one the chances are you will have another.  It is very hard to not think about it, and the more you do, the more chance you have of having another attack.  they won’t kill you but it does scare you and they are constantly on your mind, which can then trigger another attack.    These and other similar uncomfortable sensations are all too common but the truth is you do not have to ever suffer from another panic attack or anxiety attack again .  Read one of several testimonials of people who have been cured.   “I have never written in response to a program that I have ordered but I wanted to let you know that in 3 days I feel better than I ever have after months of therapy and some other online programs.” Eric    Read more testimonials by clicking on the site below.     Don’ t live with panic attacks!!!!!!!!! Live a fear free life.  Find out how.  Don’t wait. Click Here!


    Friday, September 11, 2009

    Cincinnati Race for the Cure--Sept 12th

    Don’t forget to sign up for the Cincinnati Race for the Cure tomorrow! You have many different places to sign up to walk in the race that is being held at Great American Ballpark.

    Even if not in Cincinnati and want to find a Race you can here.

    Also to support the Komen Organization:

    Q102 is also holding the Bras Across the Bridge throughout the rest of the month check out their website for more details. One of the great things about Bras Across the Bridge is that Cincinnati Tan has offered to donate a $1 for every bra donated up to $5,000!


    Director of the Ontario Cancer Institute Dr. Benjamin Neel

    Date of lunch:

    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    The company:

    Dr. Benjamin Neel is the director of the Ontario Cancer Institute, at the University Health Network and Princess Margaret Hospital. He has been in this post for about 3 years, coming from Boston where he had been working for over twenty years. Specifically, Dr. Neel is the senior scientist in the Division of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, studying stem signaling, looking for a cure for all types of cancer. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t had cancer affect a person that they love so I really was interested in speaking with someone on the front lines. I checked out the Princess Margaret Hospital online and requested a lunch with Dr. Neel through the site. This lunch has been about three months in the making – as Dr. Neel is extremely busy – so I was really glad to finally sit down and chat.

    The food:

    We ate at Mercatto at College and Elizabeth. It’s a nice place, great patio. I had a wild mushroom pappardelle and Dr. Neel had the daily soup (it was mushroom) and a tomato crostini. We both drank water. My meal was delicious. My one complaint about this place is that the ceiling is really high and with a busy lunch crowd, it was very loud and difficult to hear and have a conversation. But all in all, I will definitely be back, this time on the patio. The bill was $34 with tax.

    The lunch lesson:

    It was great for me to hear that a big part of Dr. Neel’s life is collaborating with other researchers around the world. In the next few weeks, he is going to Switzerland and Germany. He says people think it’s super competitive between researchers but really, there is strong collaboration. He said there are things he can do that they can’t do in Switzerland and vice versa. So they work together and learn from each other. Of course, there is a level of competition, which is a good thing because it often forces people to do better – but I was glad to hear that researchers around the world are not all working in isolation. The more minds we have together on a problem, the faster, I think, a solution will come to be.

    The lunch:

    Before I begin to write about this lunch, I have to admit up front that I know nothing about medical research. I mean I read the paper and listen to news about new treatments but I don’t know a lot about the findings along the way, which as Dr. Neel pointed out, is usually how these things work. So this was a huge learning experience for me.

    Dr. Neel talked about how there is a real misconception in the public that research is about big breakthroughs in the lab. What it’s really about is building upon findings over the course of years and even decades. Something that was discovered in the eighties, built upon in the nineties could then be built on again this year and provide a new clue or treatment. If we do go back a few decades, Dr. Neel pointed out, huge steps have been made. Cancers such as childhood leukemia used to be nearly universally fatal and today are nearly universally curable. But it’s other cancers where progress has been slower such as breast, lung and brain. It is these cancers that perhaps in 10-15 years we will see more advances.

    When I get stressed out, I often say to myself “I’m not saving lives here” just to put my stress level in perspective, calm down a bit and in the end be more efficient. But as Dr. Neel was explaining his extremely hectic schedule, I couldn’t help but think that him saying that might not work as well.

    Dr. Neel also pointed something out to me that I never knew. He said that, for example, a breast tumor that is 1 cm in diameter is one billion cells. So if the growth is slow and they start from a single cell, the tumor can be growing for ten years before it is even noticed. I don’t know if this information is practical for me in any way considering I worry about everything (I may have said in the middle of our lunch “so I could have it right now”), but I just never had known that before.

    I left this lunch thinking how admirable it is that there are people in the world that dedicate their entire lives to discovering a cure for something like cancer that causes so much pain in so many lives. It was really nice meeting Dr. Neel and learning a bit about the research being done at Princess Margaret. I hope that one day Dr. Neel’s job is obsolete but in the meantime, I am glad we have people like him and his colleagues in the labs trying to get us there.


    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    A plant that offers swine flu cure!

    A plant that offers swine flu cure!

    Chinese scientists have found that the roots of a plant have powerful natural substances that can kill the H1N1 virus.

    Researchers Fang-Rong Chang and Yang-Chang Wu identified chemicals in the extracts of the “Dung of the Devil” plant, which were more effective against the H1N1 virus than the antiviral drug currently available for the flu.

    The report will be published in the Sept. 25 issue of ACS’ Journal of Natural Products.

    The plant biologically called ferula assa-foetida, is found in Iran, Afghanistan and mainland China.

    The authors say: “Overall, the present study has determined that sesquiterpene coumarins from F. assa-foetida may serve as promising lead components for new drug development against influenza A (H1N1) viral infection.”

    The plant was also used as a remedy during the1918 Spanish flu that took a toll of nearly 100 million lives.

    However, the antiviral capacity of the plant was not fully confirmed until now.

    bron: [10-9-2009]


    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    As many of you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I try to design a t-shirt every year for CafePress. This year I designed two. The first shirt is a re-work of my Cruising with My Peeps design… now you can Cruise with your Pink Peeps. The second is word art about Breast Cancer.

    I went through my own little scare this year with my mammogram. I am very lucky that 1. I have medical insurance, and that insurance pays for yearly mammograms; and 2. The “spots” on my mammogram have disappears and I do not have tumors.

    If you are over 40, please get a mammogram. Whatever age… donate to Breast Cancer Awareness with your time, a walk, a click, a story… anything you can give.


    Friday, September 4, 2009

    Clinical breast exam controversy

    A recent study discusses the “controversy about whether adding clinical breast examination (CBE) to mammography improves the accuracy of breast screening.” The study was published online on August 31, 2009 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

    The study of women in the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) discusses the rise in false positives when women have a clinical breast exam at the same time as the mammography exam. The conclusion of the study is that “women should be informed of the benefits and risks of having a CBE in addition to mammography for breast screening.”

    This is an interesting study with a worthwhile conclusion. My concern with any controversy is that it adds to the confusion felt by some women, who may throw up their hands and stay away from screening altogether. I hope this won’t be the case as I believe that women, and men, should be tuned in to the importance of the early detection of cancer.

    I understand the fear that women experience when they’re recalled for follow up after a mammogram or when a lump is found on a clinical exam. I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer in 1986 because screening mammography was not available and my doctor refused to order a mammogram. This resulted in a greater load on the health care system than if it had been detected earlier since it involved surgery, chemotherapy, and longer follow up. There was also a much larger fear factor for my self and my family than if the cancer had been found sooner.

    I think we need to do more to help women get through “false positives” without fear and anxiety. The point remains that it’s better to find cancer earlier than later, and to reassure women that it’s better to go through a false positive diagnostic process than to take a chance on letting an unfound cancer grow larger.

    There are a couple of basic issues which contribute to false positive mammograms. As a mammographer, I have explained to many women about the challenges of reading mammograms. Breast tissue is formed in branches like grapes so that if the branches are on top of each other in the images, then it’s difficult to tell what’s there; women may be asked to return for further X-rays, either coned, a different angle, or ultrasound. This does not mean there is something wrong with the tissue, but that the radiologist needs more information to make an accurate diagnosis. Similarly, looking at images of dense breast tissue is more challenging as it’s like looking through a tree full of leaves in the summer. As women age, the dense tissue turns to fat and mammograms are much easier to read as they are more like looking through a tree in the winter.

    If women are educated to know that the early stages of a mammography work up are a matter of gathering information, then it will relieve some anxiety. False positives from CBE’s are usually from feeling a lump or thickening. Since 80% of breast lumps are benign, it makes sense that they can be viewed calmly if they can be viewed as probable cysts or normal breast lumps, not cancerous growths.

    Breast self examinations (BSE) are often not recommended due to the fear factor of false positives, and I hope that CBE’s will not be viewed in the same light. Mammograms are the gold standard in the detection of breast cancer; however, they are not perfect and I believe it’s in everyone’s best interest to continue to do both monthly BSE’s and annual CBE’s with a health professional.


    Systemic Yeast Infection

    Systemic Yeast Infection can also be referred to as systemic Candidiasis or opportunistic infection. Candidiasis, the main culprit of yeast infection is classified into three levels depending on the extent of severity; occasional yeast infection such as vaginal Candidiasis or oral rush, recurring or chronic Candidiasis and systemic yeast infection.

    Systemic yeast infection is considered a very severe status where Fungus Candida infiltrates or permeates into the deep inner parts of the body. The condition comes about when Fungus Candida explodes from its standard yeast state to a farmful type of fungus. Typically, Candida occurs naturally in humid area, warm portions of the human body like the mouth, intestines and vagina.

    When the body’s immune system is unable to check the multiplication of Candida .i.e. like when the human body is constrained to leverage sugar/acid balance and/or toxins in the intestine, a yeast infection will aggravate to a systemic one. As a result, Candida will spread in almost all human body parts such as the eyes, esophagus, liver, skin, the blood, and the respiratory and digestive systems.

    Compared to other types of yeast infections affecting only the areas in question, a systemic yeast infection affects the entire body. Also, it exacerbates symptoms like lethargy, fatigue, debilitation, migraine, dizziness, muscular pain, sensory disorders, breathing disorders, rectal itching and other gastrointestinal complications such as diarrhea, thrush and constipation.

    There is no specific culprit linked to systemic yeast infection but it has proven to get developed thru various things like body internal conditions like deficiency in white blood corpuscles, unhealthy immune system, unhealthy diet and lifestyle, loss of benevolent bacteria and an ignored mild yeast infection.

    To deal with systemic yeast infection, patients are advised to look into their dietary program and to seek medication specifically customized to aid the body return back to balance and treatment that will fight excess Candida and flash toxins out of the body.

    You need more info? Visit this site about buy green tea .


    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Miles for Melanoma of Delaware, September 20, 2009

    I created a Team Smitty for the 5K run/walk.  Last year, John, Nathaniel, I did the 5K walk

    The Smith Family, Mary, John, & Nathaniel

    We were also joined by the O’Rourkes

    O'Rourkes at 2008 Miles for Melanoma 5k. Samantha, Wendy, & James

    So… if you’re interested in running or walking we’d love to have you on Team Smitty.  If you’d like to donate… every dollar helps…

    Here’s the registration page –

    More info on the race can be found here-

    The funds raised from the Miles for Melanoma of DE  go directly to the Melanoma Research Foundation.  The Melanoma Research Foundation has 3 goals- to research, to educate, & to advocate.  Their research description explains why I support their cause, “To support medical research for finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma.”  What I wouldn’t have given for a cure… sigh… I can tell you that I used their bulletin board to gain more information about melanoma and treatment options available.  I can also say that Anna Marie Farrow, co-founder for Miles of Melanoma has been such a wonderful support to me during and after John’s illness. 



    No Cure for Love

    Doctor says no cure for love, you’re healed by necessity in the fullness of time. Small relief for big suffering. I am a victim of Peace of Mind.

    Big boat to the car mechanic. Healed by a loving touch. Twenty-five car years is 100 people years. Maybe it was spark in those old plugs. The car purrs.

    There was no warriors’ meditation, no bike ride in the high meadows between the Olympics and the Cascades. It is peace in non accomplishment. That which rises twice in brightness by honoring what is right.

    Uber trainer to the stars suggests we skip swimming in the morning, as well. I thought he said swimming and drowning and told him emphatically no. It’s settled. A minor deviation in routine is no cause to crumble.

    Solidly flexible here. Healed, not cured. Week Eight. Eighty-Six weeks to go on the Port Gamble to Talkeetna trail.


    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    CURE Childhood Cancer Honors Avery Schroeder

    September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Join us today, September 1, 2009 as CURE Childhood Cancer honors CURE Kid Avery Schroeder. Join our fight as CURE’s Kids Conquer Cancer One Day at a Time.  Donate to Avery’s Fund.

    Avery Schroeder’s Story:

    I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia on April 8, 2005, I was 11. My symptoms were back and leg aches. They started in January 2005. It was not daily that my back and legs hurt, it was every now and then. In March 2005, at the spring parent-teacher conference my teacher Mrs. Brown advised my mom to have full blood work on me, because my coloring wasn’t always right. My mom thought I was just being 11.

    On April 7, 2005 I went to the pediatrician for blood work, when I got there the doctor also thought I was just being 11. So they just did a finger prick. A normal hemoglobin count is between 12-14, mine was an 8. They decided to do full blood work. The next day the pediatrician called and said that my blood had “coagulated” and they needed another sample, but this time at Scottish Rite. My mom and I remained unphased. We went to the hospital and got the blood drawn, my mom asked how long it would be before we knew the results, the Dr. said within the hour, there was a runner in the room. We went home and my mom started cooking dinner (fish and broccoli because she thought I had an iron deficiency) there were 9 minutes left on the timer, and the phone rang it was the Pediatrician, she said, “pack Avery a bag and bring her to the ER”. We both were still clueless. As soon as we arrived, they rushed us into a room and began preparing my hands for an IV. The nurse, who was doing this, told me that I either had Anemia, Leukemia, or some other disease with a very long name. I asked what leukemia was, because I didn’t know. She told me it was a blood cancer. After they left I asked my mom if she thought I had cancer, and she said, “Not in my wildest dreams!” Just after that, Dr. Allen Anderson came in and asked my mom to step out of the room, I told him, “No you tell me right here.” So he came over to me, knelt by my bed and told me that I had Pre B Acute Lymphatic Leukemia. I was in total shock, I don’t even know what my initial reaction was, but my first question to him was, “Am I going to die, when?” He told me not to worry, and that I had a very good chance of surviving.

    My treatment lasted 27 months. I spent 48 nights in the hospital, 25 spinal taps, 8 blood transfusions, 3 platelet transfusions, 5 different types of chemo, and 75 + clinic visits. On August 1, 2007 I finished treatment and I am now an official cancer survivor.

    My story might sound challenging and hard to endure but I survived. In the past 4 years I have lost 11 friends to cancer and have countless friends battling this terrible disease. What is surprising is that not one of my chemos was made specifically for children, most chemos are designed for adults and pediatric oncologists hope they will have the similar effects on children. So here we are children most of whom are under the age of 16, who have barely had time to live life, let alone be kids. For someone who has battled childhood cancer and who has lost many friends to this horrendous disease, this is hard to understand. We need to make a change and start saving all of the fighters!

    In her own words: Avery Schroeder

    About September & CURE’S Kids Conquer Cancer One Day at a Time:

    September is recognized as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This September, CURE Childhood Cancer has committed to raising awareness and raising money to help find a cure for childhood cancer in our lifetime and put an end to this terrible disease through a special program CURE’s Kids Conquer Cancer One Day at a Time!

    Please help us in our goal of raising $30,000 in the month of September while honoring special CURE kids each day of the month who have been affected by childhood cancer.

    For more information, please click here

    About CURE Childhood Cancer:

    Founded in 1975, CURE Childhood Cancer is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through research, education and support of patients and their families. Since its establishment as a grass-roots organization, CURE has focused its efforts on improving the care, quality of life, and survival rate of children with cancer.

    The founders, parents and a dedicated pediatric oncologist, joined forces to support laboratory research that would translate into immediate care for children with cancer.

    Since that time, CURE has raised millions of dollars to fund cutting edge research at the Aflac Cancer Center Blood Disorders Service at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University School of Medicine.

    Through innovative programming, CURE also provides support for stricken families, providing them comfort and support during their time of devastating need.

    Donate to Avery’s Fund

    Visit us online at for more information.
